Limited opportunity

Time-limited 90% DISCOUNT

for Unicoin investors.

In preparation for the listing of Unicoin on crypto exchanges, our Board of Directors granted unicoin investors the right to purchase unicoins at 5¢⁠/⁠ú, at a 90% discount on its current price, up to the number of coins they already own.

Limited time

Este navio já atracou...

This Offer ended on August 7th, 2023

Mas você ainda pode aproveitar nossa oferta "Compre agora, pague depois", que te dá um prazo de cinco anos para pagar sua compra de unicoins.

Quer saber como funciona o programa?

Perguntas Frequentes

Não encontra a resposta à sua pergunta?

How can I take advantage of this offer?

Simply complete the short application form above. Once you receive the Purchase Agreement via PandaDoc e-signature service, fill it out and digitally sign. Afterward, kindly provide us with the proof of payment so that our Investor Relations team would send you the ownership certificate.

The minimum purchase is US$1,000 = 20,000 unicoins.

You can purchase up to the number of unicoins you already own, including unicoins bought via our Buy Now Pay Later program.

This purchase must be paid in U.S. dollars or in one of the following cryptocurrencies: BTC, ETH, USDT, or USDC. See for the payment options.

The offer ends at 11 PM EDT (23:00 New York time) on July 31st.

The payment is due 5 business days after the Purchase Agreement is signed.

This special discount is the reward to our investors upon reaching $525M sales milestone.

No, this discount is intended only to allow you to increase your own holding of unicoins.

Unicoin é a criptomoeda oficial do Unicorn Hunters

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