Pay via wire transfer, check or crypto

Pay via wire transfer, check or crypto

Wire transfers
Wire transfer
  • Receiving Party:


  • Receiving Party Account Number:


  • Receiving Party’s Address:

    228 Park Avenue South, #16065, New York, NY, 10003

  • Receiving Bank:

    Citibank, N.A.

  • Receiving Bank SWIFT Number:

    CITIUS33 or if 11 digits required CITIUS33XXX

  • Receiving Bank Address:

    Citibank, N.A., USCC CITISWEEP, 100 Citibank DR, San Antonio, TX 78245

  • For domestic and international wires, please use Citibank ABA/Routing Number:


By Check

We only accept checks drawn on U.S. banks. You can mail your check to:

TRANSPARENTBUSINESS, INC., 228 Park Avenue South, #16065, New York, NY, 10003


Invest with bitcoins or other cryptocurrency

IMPORTANT: We are using only the official Coinbase сorporate account to accept crypto payments, please do not send your investments to any static Crypto Wallets you can find on the web.

Service is temporary unavailable.

At present, the United States does not participate in IBAN. A routing number is a nine-digit code used by financial institutions to identify other financial institutions. It's also known as an RTN (routing transit number) and an ABA (American Bankers Association) routing number. Combined with your account number, it allows institutions to locate your individual account. Each bank has a unique SWIFT code. It usually consists of 11 characters divided into four groups: first, four letters to identify the bank; second, two letters to identify the country; third, two letters to indicate the bank's location; and fourth (which is optional), three digits to specify the receiving branch. Routing numbers and SWIFT codes are distinct, although they both perform the same function. In the United States, banks are identified by their 9-digit ABA routing numbers, which makes it simpler to handle domestic payments. For international payments, bank branches are identified by SWIFT codes.

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